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Unreal Tournament 3 Patch v2.0

Це четвертий патч для гри Unreal Tournament 3

- Major enhancements to Server Browser
- Visual and menu flow overhaul for improved useability of user interface.
- Significant AI improvements, especially in vehicle gametypes.
- Client-side demo recording support
- Improved networking performance.
- Midgame map, game type, and mutator voting support
- Award system using Steam Achievements
- Improved mod support


The Titan mutator brings a fresh twist to all the classic Unreal Tournament gametypes.
Fill your Titan meter by killing enemies, capturing flags or nodes, and completing other game objectives.
You’ll get bonuses for multikills and killing sprees. When your meter is full, you can transform at any
time into a giant with a super powerful rocket launcher, massive hit points, and a devastating ground pound attack.

When you are Titan, your job is to sow mass destruction on your opponents, and protect those puny normal players
on your team who are trying to accomplish the primary game objectives. You’ll often see Titans acting as escorts
for flag or orb carriers, or locking down an entire area while killing massive numbers of enemy players.

It’s important to pick the right time to transform as Titans also have several limitations. Titans can’t drive
vehicles, or carry flags, orbs, or Greed skulls. They also can’t capture Warfare nodes, or pick up any weapons
or power-ups. Killing a Titan initiates its self destruct sequence, which ends with a low yield nuclear explosion,
so clear the area when an enemy Titan goes down!

Once you’ve become a Titan, fill your meter again to transform into a Behemoth. Behemoths are huge - almost 30
feet tall, in fact. These walking mountains of devastation are unstable, though, and will self-destruct after 30


Betrayal is a new instagib game type that pits players against each other while they cooperate in temporary
alliances. Only one player is the final winner, and the difference between victory and defeat often lies in
knowing when to betray your teammates.

A score above opponents’ heads reflect their value if you gib them using the primary fire of your instagib rifle.
Current teammates are blue, and every kill by a teammate adds one point to the team pot, which is shown at the top
of your HUD. Teammates can betray each other using the alternate fire of the rifle, which shoots a blue beam.
Assassinating a teammate gives the assassin both the score over that player’s head, plus all the points accrued in
the team pot.

However, the assassin becomes a Rogue for 30 seconds, during which he is not on any team, and his former teammates
can garner a score bonus for achieving retribution by killing him. The score above a Rogue’s head is red for his
former teammates. Once the rogue timer has counted down, the rogue will automatically join a new team when teammates
are available.

Daggers beside each player’s name shows the number of times that player has betrayed his teammates. Watch your back
around teammates; you’ll often see players pause and check each other out as they enter a room together.

Sometimes, players may try to goad a teammate into killing them by shooting blue beams by their ear when the team pot
is small, hoping to later cash in on the retribution bonus. As the players near victory, they’ll often try to time a
final betrayal to send them over the top.


Greed is a fast-paced team gametype played on CTF and VCTF maps. When a player dies, he drops a skull representing his
life force, along with any other skulls he is carrying.

Silver skulls are worth 1 point, Gold skulls are worth 5 points, and Red skulls are worth 20 points.

You have to deliver skulls to the enemy base to score them.

As the clock winds down, you can expect to see players fighting over huge hoards of skulls. Each side will desperately
try to stop the other team from scoring skulls while at the same time fighting to survive all the way to the enemy base
with their own stockpile. Because of that, no lead is insurmountable, and there is always hope for a last second comeback.


Improved Steam integration
- Steam Achievement support for Steam installations of UT3.
- Integrated Steam Authentication support.
- 57 achievements mark your progress and mastery of UT.
- Progress screen shows which awards you have earned, and completion progress on all awards.
- You can activate a non-Steam purchased version with Steam (making it a full Steam version) by:
- Open Steam main window
- In Games menu, select Activate a Product on Steam...
- Type in your CD Key
- Install UT3 via Steam
- Note this make an entire new UT3 installation, so uninstall the previous version (your settings/profile should not be affected)

Server Browser:
- Server Browser updates, expanded query filtering, clientside filters and a new UI option list.
- Added mutator filtering to the server browser (filter by installed mutators, mutator classes and mutator names)
- Now displays each servers IP in the server details box
- Added 'Join IP' and 'Spectate IP' buttons to the join game menu
- Added an 'Add IP' button to the favourites menu
- Modified the main menu to return to the server browser after disconnecting
- Added a new button to the midgame menu 'Add Favorite', and a new console command: AddServerToFavorites
- Updated server browser code, so that custom gametypes are properly filtered.
- Added a 'List All Game Modes' selection to the server filter menu.
- Added more information to the server browser player list.
- Fixed servers not being added to history, when following a friend to a server
- You can now attempt to directly connect to offline servers in History and Favorites (even during master server downtimes).
- Show "+" for player counts that are populated by bots.

- Major visual and menu flow overhaul for improved useability.
- Made the instant-action and host-game menus keep their settings.
- Scoreboard double click functionality for kicking, messages to specific players.
- Enabled gamepad stick sensitivity setting in UI.
- Improved gamepad support on PC.
- Added support for a whole mess of options on Advanced video settings page.
- Easier to click buttons by fixing cases where mouse went just past them.
- Max player counts always fit on all scoreboards.
- Modifier cards should take display priority in toasts over character unlocks.
- Improved voice command menu positioning and offsets.
- Fixed showing as teleport destinations on map nodes which could not be teleported to.
- Added tooltip while deployed in stealth vehicles to show drop deployable button.
- Bot count UI changed from "Number of opponents" to "Number of combatants" to be less confusing.
- Added support for showing top weapon user in end of match scoreboard. This shows which player got the most kills
with a particular weapon. If a player was the leader with more than one weapon, it picks the weapon he or she got the
most kills with.
- Show beacon with name of enemies in DM if they are close enough.
- Fixed ammo number on HUD pulsing on armor pick up instead of ammo pick up.
- Third position for powernode beacon, when just looking at base.
- Added speaking icon to player beacons.
- Portraits shown for player speaking with VOIP.
- Fixed onslaught teleporter tooltip not always displayed correctly.
- fixed toasts that don't shut down properly popping up later unexpectedly
- More delay before going back to ambient music from action.
- Fixed text being obscured after removing a friend from the friends list
- Fixed showing proper weapon icon on weapon bar for selected weapon when two weapons are in same slot.
- Fixed issue where playercard and friend message screens were disappearing.
- Reduced chat log spam.
- Fixed rules for showing "change team" button.
- Added John Barrett (programming contractor), Michiel Hendriks (programming contractor), and Pancho Eekels (level design contractor) to credits.
- Fixed duel match rules in scoreboard.
- Fixed player information on server browser history page not refreshing correctly.
- Fix a crash caused by some mod UI scenes during the gamne

- Increased radius/volume of Manta, Raptor, and Viper engines.
- Fixed scavenger legs disappearing in kill volumes.
- Force occupied manta to rise if underwater.
- Added sound effect and recharge bar to SPMA to indicate when the weapon is ready to fire
- Increased water damage taken by vehicles.
- Increased Goliath health.
- Fixed nightshade beam weapon accuracy.
- Fixed spidermines confused about nightshade that switches teams.
- Tank shell is always relevant, so you'll see it if it kills you from a hidden tank.
- Leviathan shield doesn't stay around after death.
- Fixed leviathan passenger beacon positioning.
- Fixed hoverboard rooster tail positioning when traveling over shallow water.
- Fixed flag positioning on tracked turrets.
- Fixed flying Manta exploit.
- Fixed boost exploit with Fury vehicle
- Fixed exploit to damage own core/nodes with rocket turret.

- Added burn trail for link gun beam.
- Weapon pickups now disappear for the player who picked it up, until it can be picked up again (now works like weapon lockers).
- Weapon throwing always enabled.
- Improved force feedback for various weapon and pickup actions.
- Simpler crosshair for instagib rifle.
- Third person translocate sound.
- Stinger now higher priority than flak cannon by default.
- Back splatter decals for hits with sniper rifle, stinger, and enforcer.
- Improved spidermine aiming help on console with hitscan weapons (enforcer, stinger, sniper).
- Fixed enforcer anim problems when become dual during initial loading.
- No ammo display for instagib rifle.
- Improved spidermine herding with Avrils.
- Improved redeemer blast screen shake.
- Spidermines work properly in deathmatch.
- Fixed translocator discs being able to get embedded in geometry with zero extent collision on but box collision off.
- Fixed deployable exploit (run over deployable while firing weapon, get in vehicle while still firing, and never switch to deployable).
- Fixed trans discs getting stuck on instigator's head.
- Fixed redeemer bug where redeemers impacting ceiling sometimes had explosion center imbedded in ceiling, affecting damage dealt.
- Fixed stinger alt-fire stops with 1 ammo.
- Fix for rare stinger shard crash when shard tries to impale two overlapping dead bodies at the same time.
- Fixed fast avril firing exploit.

- Added Drop Flag/Orb command (accessible through voice menu) to get bot teammates to drop the flag they are carrying.
- Improved bot handling of navigation failures, don't stay stuck.
- Bots understand ducking under obstacles with the Darkwalker.
- Bots understand getting off hoverboard to use a lift.
- Adjusted bot new enemy acquistion speed.
- Low skill bots don't slow down if carrying flag.
- Bots understand how to effectively use Orbs in Warfare much better.
- Bots use the hoverboard more effectively.
- Improved bot AI for using Translocator.
- Improved AI for picking best weapon to use.
- Improved AI for Leviathan, including aiming with the leviathan, and navigating the Leviathan.
- Improved AI for using the Hellfire SPMA.
- Improved Scorpion AI for trying to run over enemy foot soldiers and self destruct into big vehicles.
- Improved Manta/Viper AI for trying to run over enemy foot soldiers.
- Improved stealth vehicle deployment AI.
- Improved bots yelling "same team" when player is actually trying to hit nearby enemy.
- Fixed bots not able to get in Darkwalker secondary turret in some cases.
- Fixed bot AI issues in secondary turrets.
- Bots go after countdown nodes if core can't be attacked.
- Fixed bots grabbing orb without getting all the way to orb spawner.
- Improved AI for bots deciding whether to get out of vehicles and continue on foot.
- Automatic fix for not letting bots in vehicles try to go into areas that are blocked for vehicles by turnaroundvolumes.
- Bots are move aggressive about driving vehicles without slowing down too much for slight turns.
- Bots fully understand kismet disabled nodes.
- Improved bot AI for fighting enemies in Slow Fields.
- Improved bot understanding of targeting occluded powernodes.

Demo Recording:
- Added support for clientside demo recording.
- Demo playback is now delayed until precaching completes.
- Fixed SPMA camera crash during demo playback.
- Fixed demo playback log spam.
- Added DemoFF and DemoSlomo console commands. Can be bound to a key in UTInput.ini.
DemoFF toggles between 1x, 3.3x, and 10x fast forward.
DemoSlomo takes a float between 0.1 and 10 which adjusts playback speed by that factor.

  and more....

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